Tag Archives: Abbottabad

Osama Bin Laden is Dead, confirms Al- Qaeda

Al-Qaeda has confirmed the death of leader Osama bin Laden in a militant site, ridiculing the countless blames of ‘pussy footing’ which were building up against President Obama.

The declaration signed under ‘general leadership’ issued on 3rd May, reveals the furious response of the militant group.

In the repetitive manner of linking Islam with Osama’s existence, the group founded in 1988, condemns the US raid.  It says that bin Laden was precious to them and all Muslims.

Warning US for causing this doomsday, the military network has stated that the ‘happiness of Americans would soon be converted into sadness.’

Their blood will be mingled with tears,’ goes the perturbing warning.

‘9/11 Anniversary’

The US Navy SEAL, in the process of ransacking Osama’s compound have found several discs and important information indicating that the terrorist leader was planning another massive attack this year, marking the 10th anniversary of September 2001 blasts.

It is also believed that Osama was still in close contact with the entire Al-Qaeda network by staying at his house in Abbottabad which was recently raided.

The plotting was supposedly planned for blasting railway commuting tracks in New York, as stated by trusted sources.

‘The New Osama’

After Osama’s death, it is believed that Al- Qaida’s deputy leader Ayman al Zawahiri would take the main place.

The US intelligence is now trying to track Zawahiri through the information gathered at Osama’s residence.

‘Bomb attacks in London’

An undercover reporter of ‘the Sun’, has revealed that Anwar al-Awlaki , who is also a potential candidate for being Osama Bin Laden’s successor has urged a Mumbai style terror attack in UK.

According to the reporter who posed as an Al-Qaeda fanatic, the militant team had suggested the usage of fire arms, pipe bombs and assassinations to cause terrorism in the country.

The Metropolitan police in London have stated that the ‘death of one man does not signify the end of an ideology’. Hence, the security aspects in UK are getting stricter and citizens are being asked to be more vigilant.

‘Bush said no’

Past president George Bush declined Obama’s invitation to visit the Ground Zero on Thursday to remember the deaths of 3000 innocent civilians.

He did congratulate the Obama government for their audacious victory but chose to maintain a safe distance with the current matters of the White House.

Meanwhile, President Obama after commemorating on Ground Zero yesterday would be visiting Fort Campbell, US Army installation located in Kentucky to meet the US navy SEAL who killed Osama.

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