Tag Archives: Barack Obama

Why Iran can not be attacked by Israel and US?

After its humiliating attempt to contain the ‘nuclear power’ progress of Iran, Israel embarked to embrace the potent weapon of ‘intervention and war.’ Everything from political pressure, sanctions, sabotage, counter-proliferation measures and attempt for regime changes, have failed in Iran.

Few are even calling Iranian President Ahmadinejad as Adolf Hitler, all set to wipe out the Jewish identity from the world.  Interestingly, this is not 1935 and even Israel is not a naive participant in utterly innocent international diplomacy.

America’s ambiguous strategy

Barack Obama has stated that there is no evidence that Iran has the ‘intentions or capabilities’ to wage a war on US soil. Well, it was only last October when Iranians have been accussed by Americans for planning the assasination of a Saudi Arabian ambassador on this very American soil.

Also, US after the 1979 hostage crisis that followed after the 1953 coup in which CIA has dismantled the Iranian government, America cannot predict whats on Iran’s mind. Though, US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta seems more worried about the Israel-Iran attack rather than withdrawing US army from Afghanistan or even calculating their defence budget.

Republican Candidate Mitt Romney, the topmost contender for the Presidential position, has already stated that he would be more pro-Israel than Obama and he would back up the American diplomacy with very credible military option.

‘If Iran makes the first move’

Iranian Rafah News Website which is identified with President Ahmadinejad has already threatened Israel, last month. Iran is already known for blowing up Israeli embassy and Jewish communities in Buenos Aires in 1992.

If Iran, once again, targets soft power of Israeli foundation, it might act as a vitriolic catalyst to give a reason for Israel and US to attack Iran. Under Article 51 of UN Security Council’s Charter, US does not need the permission to launch military intervention. This Charter preserves the right of the member nations to respond to any armed attack.

‘Few Ignorant analysis of Iran’

Ignorant US analysts believe that since Syria, the major supporter of Iran is being shattered in the Arab Uprising, Iran might become weak. They also have a weaker perception of Hamas and Hezbollah who have been heavily financed by Syria and Iran.

Few believe that President Ahmedinjead does not have the power to call a nuclear war and the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khameini, already 72, is too old for such an operation.

Few only believe that Israel can once again operate Operation Opera in which it destroyed a nuclear reactor under construction in Baghdad on 7th June, 1981.

Well, once again, Iran is not Iraq that can be mercilessly crushed by foreign intervention.

‘Why Israel can not attack Iran’

1. It is defended by substantial ground forces, fighter aircrafts and SAM sites. Unlike Iraq, Iran has not accumulated its power plants at one location. They are scattered and are well protected.

2. Israel is far from Iran. So, in case, Israel plans to bombard the Iranian soils, it would need modified aircrafts and extra tanks for refueling. Saudi Arabia might allow Israel to land for refueling, but then again, Israel will have to calculate every move with precision.

3. Iran’s Vice president Mohammad Reza Rahimi has declared on 27th December that ‘not a drop of oil will pass through Strait of Hormuz’. Iran, suffering the worst of sanctions on its central banks and oil exports, would take the revenge by closing this strait from where 20% of world’s oil passes out.

4. Iran has already started the activation of Fordow Facility for the underground Uranium enrichment plant near Qom. It is well protected under a bomb proof tunnel or  under a mountain near the military. Also, both US and Israel do not have bunker buster bombs that can penetrate these mountains and explode the power plants.

5. It has hundreds of flawless Shabab missiles that are capable of striking Israel.

‘Israel’s covert nuclear involvement’

Turning to Israel, one does not readily mention that it is also clandestinely developing large and well sophisticated nuclear weapons. Mordecai Vanunu, who defected Israel’s nuclear programme and the Wisconsin Project have revealed that Israel is building thermo-nuclear and neutron war heads. It is injustice to target Iran just became it has oil reserves.

‘Deaths of Iranian nuclear scientists’

Also, what about the Stuxnet computer virus which hit Iran last year and caused Uranium enriching centrifuges at Natanz to spin out of control and explode?

Also, the rampant and mysterious death of Iranian nuclear scientists is another clue of Mossad’s intelligence and how Israel is inculcating fear in Iranians to cause them to defect. Interestingly, all of these bomb explosions ( 5 since 2007) carry the same hallmark.

There is a motorcycle that targets the victim’s car, flashes the ‘sticky bomb’ or magnetic explosive and elopes. Eventually, only the target dies and nothing else is disrupted apart from the car. It is also believed that Israel has been buying off few Iranian citizens and paying them fat salaries to work as spies.


In the end, it is not important when the attack would happen, if it does but what would happen after it does. Would Iran become another Iraq or Afghanistan or is 2012 when America surrenders and Iran becomes the super power?

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Iranian women Soccer Team disqualified from the 2012 Summer Olympics

Muslim player headscarves cause another controversy after the hulabaloo created in France by Nicolas Sarkozy. This time, it strikes as a clear cut form of differentiation.

Unfortunately, the defeats in the 2012 Summer Olympics have been granted even before the real matches begin. Its not about match-fixing, but definitely about prejudices. The Iranian women’s soccer team has been sidelines even before they would materialise their innocent dreams of competiting in the next year’s Olympics because of their headscarves.

The Washington Post reports that the International Football Association has cancelled their match against Jordan on the basis of their dress code.

Hence, the Iranian women paid the price of wearing a headscarf.

Iranian players had not option but to leave the field, crying.

Highly dejected by the rejection, Shahrzad Mozafar, the soccer head of the team stated that ‘this means that the soccer future in Iran is over.’

The doomsday melts into the ignominy of instant deletion of better opportunities because the Iranian government would definitely not support sending the women team for international soccer matches without the headscarves.

Adding more to the controversy, an anonymous official from the FIFA stated that the ban was imposed for the safety of the women. What safety does having/not having a head scarf implement does not make sense for me.

Definitely, the main matter of concern is the importance given to the dress code rather than the potential of the players. Sadly, Iran had to face similar problems in the 2010 Youth Olympic Games which were held in Singapore. Somehow, that issue got resolved. This one, being of more international nature and exposure would definitely be a challenge.

Also, its difficult to fight against the growing norm that the West is trying to impose their own lifestyle on other countries through these mandatory bans which are not explained in a professional manner. Also, the entire sudden act of not allowing the team to play, at the last hour, does not speak of justice.

‘Where is the future?’

Once Barack Obama had spoken about the right of women to wear what they want. But every country is not and can not be America. No doubt, the easiest bit is to empathise with those players who never got a chance to play. First of all, in countries such as Iran, the very fact that girls/women choose to play soccer is a big deal. This act of courage should be appreciated.

But instead, these women have to face the brunt of being lost between their religion and their international appeal. The dress code of any game should be aiming for protection and not deduction of the players. In the longer run, the story would be perhaps forgotten and other teams would be pushing and elbowing to carve their niche on the charts.

But Iranian women do not deserve it. In fact, no one does.

Credit: Photo from Reuters

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Filed under International Relations, London

And what did Obama finally speak on Middle East

Spending all day at the White House helping to draft Obama’s big Mid East speech tomorrow. So far we’ve agreed on “God bless America‘, says the tweet of Henry Kissinger, 56th United States Secretary Chairman. (The account is a parody)


Explicitly throwing light on how America ended combat mission in Iraq, the recent return signal for US soldiers from Afghanistan from July and condemning of Osama bin Laden’s defiance against democracy, President Obama finally gave the much awaited speech for Middle east and Africa on Thursday.

Promising a new chapter in US foreign policy in the Middle-East, President Obama suggested that US is no longer going to support the atrocious dictators in the Middle East for the benefit of oil supply but rather would introduce long term economic and democratic changes.

‘Self immolation of a street vendor in Tunisia’

Speaking about how the entire Middle Eastern conflict started, President Obama spoke about the young vendor Mohammed Bouazizi from Tunisia who set himself on fire after the egregious police officer confiscated his cart and no government officialy paid heed to his need.

Giving more weightage to global economy than international politics, President Obama talked more about innovative technology, growing need of integrating the market economies and impact of business entrepreneurship.

Adding humane and naked ground realities of a common man’s world, Obama stated that ‘Politics alone has not put protesters into the streets. The tipping point for so many people is the more constant concern of putting food on the table and providing for a family.

‘Initial goal of America’

Obama clearly mentioned that few important aspects of foreign policy of America in the region dealt with countering terrorism, free flow of commerce, protecting Israel’s security and guarding the security of the region.

He stated that ‘Societies held together by fear and repression may offer the illusion of stability for a time, but they are built upon fault lines that will eventually tear asunder.’

‘Current Obama plan’

President Obama stated that the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund would present a plan in the coming G-8 summit to aid the economies in Tunisia and Egypt.  Also, to avoid the democratic Egypt to be saddled by its past, America agrees to grant a one billion aid to the country. He also informed about the enterprise funds which the White House is trying to chalk out with the Congress to help the Middle east economy.

The Overseas Private Investment Corporation(OPIC) aims to launch a 2 billion facility for financial empowerment.

‘Israel-Palestine Issue’

Undoubtedly, this part of Obama’s speech has been making headlines. Firstly, the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the White House on Friday. Secondly, Obama’s endorsement of Palestinian demands putting Netanyahu in a very unviable position in the international politics.

Though, he clearly stated that ‘Symbolic actions to isolate Israel at the United Nations in September won’t create an independent state. And Palestinians will never realise their independence by denying the right of Israel to exist.’

‘Lessons from the past’

Bringing the wide ranging audience back to the world of upheavel, President Obama stated that ‘there is no straight line to progress, and hardship always accompanies a season of hope.’

Reiterating the belief of United States of America, President Obama spoke how the government always supports to people who govern themselves. Thus, as he said, America would stand by the side of those brave protestors who chose to fight for their rights and existence.

Credit: Photo from Getty Images

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Osama Bin Laden is Dead, confirms Al- Qaeda

Al-Qaeda has confirmed the death of leader Osama bin Laden in a militant site, ridiculing the countless blames of ‘pussy footing’ which were building up against President Obama.

The declaration signed under ‘general leadership’ issued on 3rd May, reveals the furious response of the militant group.

In the repetitive manner of linking Islam with Osama’s existence, the group founded in 1988, condemns the US raid.  It says that bin Laden was precious to them and all Muslims.

Warning US for causing this doomsday, the military network has stated that the ‘happiness of Americans would soon be converted into sadness.’

Their blood will be mingled with tears,’ goes the perturbing warning.

‘9/11 Anniversary’

The US Navy SEAL, in the process of ransacking Osama’s compound have found several discs and important information indicating that the terrorist leader was planning another massive attack this year, marking the 10th anniversary of September 2001 blasts.

It is also believed that Osama was still in close contact with the entire Al-Qaeda network by staying at his house in Abbottabad which was recently raided.

The plotting was supposedly planned for blasting railway commuting tracks in New York, as stated by trusted sources.

‘The New Osama’

After Osama’s death, it is believed that Al- Qaida’s deputy leader Ayman al Zawahiri would take the main place.

The US intelligence is now trying to track Zawahiri through the information gathered at Osama’s residence.

‘Bomb attacks in London’

An undercover reporter of ‘the Sun’, has revealed that Anwar al-Awlaki , who is also a potential candidate for being Osama Bin Laden’s successor has urged a Mumbai style terror attack in UK.

According to the reporter who posed as an Al-Qaeda fanatic, the militant team had suggested the usage of fire arms, pipe bombs and assassinations to cause terrorism in the country.

The Metropolitan police in London have stated that the ‘death of one man does not signify the end of an ideology’. Hence, the security aspects in UK are getting stricter and citizens are being asked to be more vigilant.

‘Bush said no’

Past president George Bush declined Obama’s invitation to visit the Ground Zero on Thursday to remember the deaths of 3000 innocent civilians.

He did congratulate the Obama government for their audacious victory but chose to maintain a safe distance with the current matters of the White House.

Meanwhile, President Obama after commemorating on Ground Zero yesterday would be visiting Fort Campbell, US Army installation located in Kentucky to meet the US navy SEAL who killed Osama.

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Filed under Africa, International Relations, Pakistan

Osama’s picture: why it should/ should not be released?

On February 21, 2002, the videotape ‘The Slaughter of Spy-Journalist, the Jew Daniel Pearl’ was released. Pearl was an American journalist, who was captured and beheaded by Al-Qaida.

And the entire world saw it.

Nine years later, US President Barack Obama, chooses to silence the entire world, by not letting history repeat itself.

Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaida has been killed in a raid on Sunday in Abbottabad in Pakistan by the US navy SEAL.

Along with pertinent questions that why Osama’s body was buried at the sea, the White House is being bombarded with the demand of releasing the terrorist’s pictures.

In the first ever interview at ‘60 Minutes’ of CBS, President Obama states that the pictures are ‘graphic’ and ‘gruesome’. He also said that the release of the photos would cause incitement and can be used as a propaganda.

‘Biggest Mistake’

US Senator Lindsey Graham states that this decision is the biggest mistake being committed by the White House.

He states that the entire mission of the raid was to get proof and evidence. If that was not the case, even aerial bombardment would have served the purpose.

Navanethem Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights voices that there is an immediate need to confirm full disclosure of accurate facts.

Michael Graham of Boston Herald blogs that one of the first things which Obama did after starting his presidentship was to show pictures of flag draped coffins of fallen soldeirs.

He also states that when Americans could see the pictures of innocent people dead on 9/11 attack, they deserve to see the dead body of the man who caused it.

Toby Harnden, the US Editor of Telegraph chooses to adopt a diplomatic stand in this controversy but called the current time as ‘extended amateur hour in the White House.’

‘As President likes it’

Jay Carney, the White House Spokesperson chose not to reveal the operation details during a press conference yesterday.

He said, ‘if the President says he is dead. He is dead.

When asked if the families of 9/11 victims would be shown the pictures, at least, the spokesperson once again declined to accept the request.

‘Fake photo of Osama’

In the meanwhile, a fake photo showing Osama’s injured face has been released, turning viral online.

This photo was first printed on 29th April 2009 by the Middle East newspaper.

Also, the Pakistani media has revealed the pictures of other victims, supposedly Osama’s brother, who were also killed in the raid.

‘Is Osama’s death illegal?’

Osama’s 12 year daughter who saw the entire raid infront of her eyes has stated that her father was first captured and then killed. If that is the case, it would be a breach in international law.

Though, Geroge Little, CIA Spokesperson says that there is ‘no indication’ of such an occurence.

Andrea Prasow, spokesperson from Human Rights Watch stated that raid can not be judged lawful or unlawful until details are revealed.

‘Pakistan’s retort’

The Pakistani Government which as called the raid as ‘intrusion into their sovereignity’ has stated that US would not be allowed to talk with the family members of Osama bin laden until and unless a written request is forwarded.

Also, Salman Bashir, the Pakistan Foreign Minister has declined any relation with al-Qaida and defended the role of ISI, the country’s premiere intelligence agency.

Credits: Photo from Getty Images

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