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Sharia Law and democratisation of Islam by Said Ferjani

In spite of the fact that ‘Sharia Law’ is not known by many of us, it somehow exudes unknown fear and abstract ambiguity. The law in itself is so technical and in-depth that even those who follow political Islamic news would find it quite difficult to decipher.

To erase this ignorance, Said Ferjani, from Ennada Party of Tunisia spoke about ‘Shariah Law and Democratization by Islam’

 Ferjani stated that the concept of democracy had initially evolved in Athens. Though, he did mention that every religion does follow certain principles of democracy, here and there. But it was not strictly practised as an ideology in Islam. Islam needs to make democracy more systematic.

Explaining on how Islam would direct a flawless system of governance, Ferjani mentioned three main pillars of Sharia Law. He narrated these below mentioned verses (translated in English) from Quran which further support his ideology.

  1. Children of Adam have been honoured and diginified. They are all human beings. Every human is a value in himself. Its necessary to cherish humanity. So, Sharia law gives every human being the preference and hence, no injustice would be done to him.
  2. God has created no particular order that should be followed to worship him. But in order to have the religious worship accepted, men have devised their own ways. Hence, the Sharia law gives importance to knowledge and freedom. These are the most important aspects needed to actually worship God. This is because God does not want people to worship him. He has his own angels. But without knowledge and freedom, nothing matters and even the most served thing would have no value.
  3. The most beloved people amongst us are those who benefit other people and work for others. The great must always help the poor. Hence, people who are crooked are the enemies of Sharia itself.

As Sharia Law follows these principles it can never go wrong in governing its own people.


Filed under Tunisia