Daily Archives: May 5, 2011

Osama’s picture: why it should/ should not be released?

On February 21, 2002, the videotape ‘The Slaughter of Spy-Journalist, the Jew Daniel Pearl’ was released. Pearl was an American journalist, who was captured and beheaded by Al-Qaida.

And the entire world saw it.

Nine years later, US President Barack Obama, chooses to silence the entire world, by not letting history repeat itself.

Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaida has been killed in a raid on Sunday in Abbottabad in Pakistan by the US navy SEAL.

Along with pertinent questions that why Osama’s body was buried at the sea, the White House is being bombarded with the demand of releasing the terrorist’s pictures.

In the first ever interview at ‘60 Minutes’ of CBS, President Obama states that the pictures are ‘graphic’ and ‘gruesome’. He also said that the release of the photos would cause incitement and can be used as a propaganda.

‘Biggest Mistake’

US Senator Lindsey Graham states that this decision is the biggest mistake being committed by the White House.

He states that the entire mission of the raid was to get proof and evidence. If that was not the case, even aerial bombardment would have served the purpose.

Navanethem Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights voices that there is an immediate need to confirm full disclosure of accurate facts.

Michael Graham of Boston Herald blogs that one of the first things which Obama did after starting his presidentship was to show pictures of flag draped coffins of fallen soldeirs.

He also states that when Americans could see the pictures of innocent people dead on 9/11 attack, they deserve to see the dead body of the man who caused it.

Toby Harnden, the US Editor of Telegraph chooses to adopt a diplomatic stand in this controversy but called the current time as ‘extended amateur hour in the White House.’

‘As President likes it’

Jay Carney, the White House Spokesperson chose not to reveal the operation details during a press conference yesterday.

He said, ‘if the President says he is dead. He is dead.

When asked if the families of 9/11 victims would be shown the pictures, at least, the spokesperson once again declined to accept the request.

‘Fake photo of Osama’

In the meanwhile, a fake photo showing Osama’s injured face has been released, turning viral online.

This photo was first printed on 29th April 2009 by the Middle East newspaper.

Also, the Pakistani media has revealed the pictures of other victims, supposedly Osama’s brother, who were also killed in the raid.

‘Is Osama’s death illegal?’

Osama’s 12 year daughter who saw the entire raid infront of her eyes has stated that her father was first captured and then killed. If that is the case, it would be a breach in international law.

Though, Geroge Little, CIA Spokesperson says that there is ‘no indication’ of such an occurence.

Andrea Prasow, spokesperson from Human Rights Watch stated that raid can not be judged lawful or unlawful until details are revealed.

‘Pakistan’s retort’

The Pakistani Government which as called the raid as ‘intrusion into their sovereignity’ has stated that US would not be allowed to talk with the family members of Osama bin laden until and unless a written request is forwarded.

Also, Salman Bashir, the Pakistan Foreign Minister has declined any relation with al-Qaida and defended the role of ISI, the country’s premiere intelligence agency.

Credits: Photo from Getty Images

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