Daily Archives: April 11, 2011

Why is the Libyan rebel still not happy after Gadaffi’s peace plan?

(The perceptions revealed here are of a Libyan citizen (Identity safeguarded for safety))

Fianlly, the entire world might sigh in relief as Colonel Gadaffi agrees to accept a peace plan.

But there is a Libyan citizen who reveals the unreported side.

The road map is not acceptable. It says that Gadaffi’s son will take power. We do not want the family to oppress us, any further,‘ he says.

Of course, this is the truth. Its quite clever how the road map/truce plan talks about humanitarian aids and cease fire, but fails to be exact on the terms of political democracy.

Just like other rebels, even he is quite scared. He says, ‘we have known him for far longer and far more directly, to accept anything that includes him or his family.’

His fact falls straight. Even after suggesting cease fire from his own side, Gadaffi’s supporters have been bombaring Ajdabiya and Misruata, killing 30 rebels.

‘Even if, there is election, it would be a corrupt one. What can be expected from a man who has more than $130 million in his pockets?, he questions.

This indeed, is a sarcastic situation.

Unfortunately, more than half of the population in Libya, still surives for less than $2 a day.

But then, why is Colonel Gadaffi proposing such suggestions, when he does not mean them.

The rebel came up with two concrete reasons

1. Propoganda. Many in Libya,  only have state TV and if this is what they see, it helps to break their spirit, they become wary of who has accepted it and therefore their own motivation will drop.

2. International Criminal Court: Later in the ICC when they go to arrest him, he can use these as proof that he tried to stop but the rebels kept fighting him.

Right now, there are no injured in hospitals. As the rebel says, the pro Gadaffi forces have taken everyone out, dug them somewhere. So, that there is no proof.

In a nutshell, nothing concrete have been achieved by the African Union delegation. I was pretty shocked to read that last year, South Africa had given Libya around weapons worth South African Rand 30 million.

Let’s see, what the future of Libya brings for its people and the rebels.

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